We’re proud of how much we’ve been able to do with so very little, but in order to be able to continue doing this work we must care for ourselves as much as we care for the work.
So far, we’ve explored different funding avenues:
🖼️ Arts & Culture Grants:
We’re learning how to write these applications and getting better (with many thanks for Sofia!). We’ve sent a ton of them, been awarded a couple 📯 Shout out Stimulerlingsfonds, Digital Culture Grant 2021, 2023, 2024 and rejected from sooo many others.
💼 Paid client work:
We take on paid client work ↗︎ then donate what we can (a minimum of 20%) to cover community costs. This keeps us afloat for now only covers 50% of our operational costs while adding more work for us to deliver.
💶 Community donations:
Folks send donations for things like our AIxDESIGN Toolkit ↗︎ or the AI Ideation Cards ↗︎; our online events; or as a one-time thank you!
🌻 Become a Community Supporter
In 2024, we launched our Community Supporter Model! We’re trying to raise €2500 to help us keep the lights on. More info here ↗︎
📰 Paywall:
Nah, we care too much about ‘researching-in-the-open’ to turn our findings and approaches into a pay-to-play situation.