Welcome to the AIxDESIGN Community Gallery for Images of AI 🍀

On this page, you can see and submit your own images to the AIxDESIGN Community Gallery of better images of AI.

This gallery was originally launched for the Better Images of AI – Contributions to Community Gallery – micro-grants 2023.

But as we’ve continued to work on creating better visual narratives of AI in the Better Images project, the Archival Images of AI project, and simply as an ongoing exploration, we decided to keep using it as a space to collect all the images made through the AIxDESIGN community with its members, commissioned image-makers, and team (and you?).

<aside> ⏰ How to Submit: To submit your image, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Make sure to fill all the requested fields. If you’d like to edit the submission afterwards, you will need to be logged in with a [free Notion] account. You’re free to submit as many images as you like - simply create a new entry for each.


<aside> 🗳️ How to Vote: To upvote your favorites, you will need to be logged in with a [free Notion] account. To upvote an image you like, click within the ‘Upvoted by’ column and add your name to the upvotes. Please limit your vote to 3 images.


By AIxDESIGN Team + Commissioned Image-Makers

[From S01 in Fall 2023 and S02 in Fall 2024]


AIxD Community Gallery Submissions



Submit your images to the gallery!