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URL to this page → https://bit.ly/aixd-festival-open-calls


AIxDESIGN Festival: On Slow AI [May 2025 @ AMS]

You may have heard - AIxDESIGN is hosting a festival and we’re superrrr excited!

This festival started as a (5-years-in-the-making) pipedream—until we received funding to make it a reality 🤯🤯 Primarily a great excuse to gather a diverse bunch of AI hotties, haters, weirdos, and n00bs, and connect as a community—we want to shape this whole experience collectively.



+ You?

This page shows all the ways you can be part of the AIxDESIGN Festival!

  1. Submit your proposal for hosting a session or exhibiting your (art)work at the AIxD Festival
  2. Volunteer at the AIxD Festival and be part of this rollercoaster ride
  3. Partner with us and be part of the AIxDESIGN Festival
  4. Daydream with us and add your dreams into our shared moodboard / wishlist of peoples, artworks, spatial elements, and vibes you’d love to see at the Festival by adding them to this boardhttps://www.are.na/aixdesign/slow-ai-festival-inspo

Read more info on each and how to apply below!

We look forward to hearing from and creating with you <3

1. Open Call for Proposals: For Sessions + Exhibition (Art)works at the AIxDESIGN Festival 🎤🖼️

Our Open Call for Proposals is now live!

The AIxDESIGN Festival: On Slow AI is happening May 1-3, 2025, at Loods6 in Amsterdam, and we're looking for contributors!