⚡ To collect + write here:
- what do we understand to be ‘better’ prompting?
- what would a better prompt etiquette address?
- what areas are we considering?
⚡ To collect + write here:
- what is already out there for prompting guidelines?
- what can we find already?
- what have people written online?
- what practices have people establishes for themselves?
- what are their gaps?
Potential categories
- Ecologies
How to prompt in less taxing ways?
- Imitation / Copycat
How to prompt without directly exploiting creatives work?
- Equity
Is there a way to prompt that cites + credits + compensates those who came before us?
- Livelihood
What are we automating? Is anyone missing a job opportunity because of our submission?
- Bias
How to prompt to circumvent / break bias?
- Subvert normativity
How to prompt to break out of the generic outputs and get more creative, interesting outputs?
- Synthetic media
What is it good for? What are the unique and therefor justified uses of generative AI tools?
- Process
Drafting Guidelines
SRC: https://aixdesign.co/blog/ai-animation