<aside> 📍 This page is an extension of my website: offering a more real-time look into what I’m working on atm 🙂


Last updated: 06/05/2024

Long Now

Founder & Creative Director @ AIxDESIGN

Having started AIxD in 2018, I now spend about half my week as the founder and creative lead of the foundation as we nourish critical, creative, and community-led narratives and approaches to AI.

Current projects include:

Learn more about our work and projects on the 🔗 AIxDESIGN website or the public wiki for a more BTS view.



AnneFehres and Luke Conroy-AI4MediaHumansDo The Heavy Data Lifting-2560x1440.jpg

Short Now

Researcher @ University of Rotterdam | Responsible Applied AI Team Towards a Feminist UX of AI: Indexing + Imagining Supportive Patterns for Algorithmic Interactions [🔗 read more]

✺ Co-host working group on Labour of Care @ NEW INC

Faculty @ MA Design for Responsible AI, ELISAVA

✺ Occasionally teaching yoga

Tinkering - atm with tufting rugs, surrealist collage, synthographic film, and yoga flows with digital thematics

Near Future


✺ Talk @ Eye International Conference 2024 | Critical Perspectives on AI [26/05/2024]

✺ Moderator @ Film Forward + NFF Extended | AI in Film [30/05/2024]


✺ Panelist @ PublicSpaces Conference [06/07/2024]

✺ Panelist @ +RAIN Film Festival, SONAR+D, Barcelona ****[13/07/2024]


Recent Past

✺ Workshop @ Smart + Social Fest, Rotterdam [19/04/2024]

✺ Talk @ Assembling Intelligence Symposium by HEAD, Genève ****[25/04/2024]


✺ Program & Research Lead of <STORY&CODE> artist residency, event program & report into AI and filmmaking

Curation & Creative Direction on series of artist commissions with AIxDESIGN for Better Images of AI & AI4MEDIA

✺ Learning Designer of "Co-create with AI" Workshop for The Hmm

**🔗 Critical Futures Lecture Series** @ ELISAVA + IAM Internet [27/02/2024]

Researcher-in-residence @ Beeld & Geluid | Creative Interfaces & Exploratory Approaches for Audiovisual Archives [🔗 read the research report]


**Representations of AI** @ University of London, Digital Humanities Research Hub [12/2023]

Hatch Conference, Berlin [06/10/2023]

✺ Moderator @ Tekenen van de Toekomst, Nieuwe Instituut & Illustratie Ambassade


<aside> 📮 That’s it! For more info and past work, head back to my regular website nadiapiet.com. Got a project or collab in mind? Reach out hello[at]nadiapiet.com to explore working together 🙂
